Lesson Material: Precautions and Alternatives

Alternatives and Precautions


Alternatives to sage for cleansing

Smoke cleaning is a cultural custom that has been practiced by many people since ancient times throughout various cultures but has increasingly become more prevalent. This is sometimes interpreted out of proportion for something that goes popular and is commodified, even used incorrectly. Clean energy, especially at home, gives you a fresh start that shifts the room feel and there are plenty of other ways to achieve the same result. Discover lineage practices. Which kind of plants were they using? Why did they make use of it? Smoke cleaning is practiced globally and your parents undoubtedly have their unique rituals that you may like to introduce into your custom. Create a bundle of Mugwort. This is called an aggressive herb,Gather 10-15 mugwort stalks and lie down to dry a little before they 're wilted (could be up to a few days overnight). When you want it to dry out entirely, it's going to be difficult to bind together, because you want them wilted but not crispy. Then connect the stalks with thread, loop them at one end and wind them around the leaves at the other end. Mugwort provides a close smell to sage, which performs almost as well without holy, threatened plants being collected. You may also do that with rosemary which smells amazing. Consider a plant more appropriate for production. What is your purpose for the energy you are cleaning in space or the object? If we fine-tune what we want, we can find new herbs which are even more specific. Use a guide such as The Green Witch to help you pick the best plant to match your needs or only search "herbs for. Make a bowl for floral cleansing. This is my pick. I notice the smell of medicinal smoke remaining in a way that seems powerful to me, which is the reverse of what I am looking for! The mix works well to get rid of any unnecessary friction or electricity. In a cup, add lavender, thyme, and salt, then pour in some hot water. Close the windows to let the mixture cool, apply a squeeze of fresh lemon juice and a few drops of lavender oil and carry it with you around the house in whatever cleaning you want. You should also filter and bottle any of the blends for further usage in a spray container, then dump the remainder of the combination onto the outdoor field or into the potted plant compost.

Palo Santo Mist

Palo Santo is a wood used in clearings of the yard. Traditionally, you'd burn Palo Santo sticks to produce smoke that smudges a room, an individual, or whatever. The option would be palo santo water. This mist can be produced by spreading the essential oil in a vacuum. With Palo Santo essential oil, water, and alcohol in a clean spray bottle, you can make your own Palo Santo smoke-free mist. Another choice is to brew a tea that you mist with palo santo. Make sure to be mindful and concentrated when creating your mist before bringing it together.


In feng shui oranges are used to bless and raise the energy of a room. Smudging is the perfect option plus it's easy to spot. Use organic oranges of the highest standard for room clearing purposes where appropriate. The simplest approach for clearing a room is to use fresh orange peels. Only cut up the oranges and conserve the leaves. The peels can be squeezed softly to release their oils and energy into the air. A mixture of sweet orange essential oil, water, and alcohol in a clean spray bottle will create a DIY orange smoke-free mist. Alternatively, you can use a spray bottle of fresh orange peels and water. Make sure to be careful and concentrated when creating your mist before bringing it together.

Sound vibration

Sound vibration radiates through the rooms, individuals, and objects, which in effect will bless which purify. To do so you will use various instruments. This will transmute negative energies into uplifting positive energy as the sound waves pass through space, item, or individual. Several common ways to sound loud are gongs, cymbals, drums, etc. Metal instruments can cut negative energy through them. Can be explained by crystal or glass. Repetitions of chants or encouragement will change the focus. Singing can reawaken and bring more joy. If you let your "heart sing" it will unlock your heart to positive energies! 

Black Tourmaline Mist

Black tourmaline is a semi-precious gemstone important for the absorption and transmutation of harmful energy. Even holding the stone in your home is a precaution. In general, it's a wonderful stone to have energy balance in your house. Making your black, tourmaline gem water mist is simple. Place the black tourmaline in a clean spray bottle of water. Make sure to be cautious when creating your spray and have a positive intention.

Make sure to always use rites and procedures to clear the room for all those smoke-free alternatives! Pro-tip: The following is a quick procedure for space clearing; take a deep inhalation and exhale. Set a purpose. With an alternative strategy, clear the vacuum. Again, set an intention. Complete the procedure with strong inhalation and exhale.




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