Lesson Material: Tools, Materials, and Terms
Tools, Materials, and Terms
First, let’s go over terminologies so we can understand what we are working with.
Warding is used to create an energetic safe space, it prevents intrusive or unwanted energies from entering your space thereby lessening the amount of offensive magic that you need to perform.
Shields are your personal shield that you place around you, and it can move with you. Building a shield around you creates something like a personal space bubble, preventing uninvited physical and spiritual/energy contact. From a draining person who is unaware, to an annoyance or a hex/curse/attack on your being, shields will prevent these things from happening.
Becomes more effective the more personal your envisioned shield is. However! They can be draining if kept up for a long time; they expend more energy than wards, so when you feel like you should stop shielding, do so.
Protection circles are visualized barriers, preventing things such as energies or even spirits from crossing it unless you allow it to. They can be reinforced with salt, vinegar, or any other loose form of protective material, however it can simply just be your own invisible circle.
You need to break the circle when done, otherwise you risk draining; you can envision it breaking apart, sweep it with a broom, cut it with an athame, and you must thank the circle for doing its job.
A charmed item can be worn to protect you, if it has been charmed to do so. Bells are an example of a popular charmed item to protect a witch; the material of the bell, commonly iron, are a protection metal, and the vibrations of the bell clear the area. The main purpose of a charm, though, is to draw in your intent, so in this case, you ring the bell to be protected.
This is an example of a door protected from charmed bells, which would ring if it was opened or closed.
Popularly worn as necklaces, amulets can be anything you carry on your person. However, unlike charms which you can wear to bring in good things only, an amulet is spelled or made to push out bad things. It can be anything you want, as long as it is close to you physically, and it is
said the closer it is to your being, the more powerful the repelling magick is.
They are modernly seen as very similar to amulets, however, it is believed that you should firstly make your talisman yourself, from scratch. Secondly, they were used long ago to trap spirits within them, but that idea was frowned upon. Thirdly, it is also said that the maker of the talisman should only ever use it for themselves, and that you have to make it either repel or bring in something; it has the potential of a charm and an amulet. Lastly, the incorporation of symbolisms is highly recommended, such as sigils, colors, elemental associations, or astrology, even text samples relating to your intended purpose (protection) should be used to make your talisman.
Physical representations of symbolic intent; by drawing your intent, hence making it already a sigil no matter how it looks, your given meaning to the symbol becomes a stagnant source of magick, which you activate by burning to send your intent out to the universe, or burying far from you to cast away your chosen intent. There are other ways to also charge, from sweat or other
Protection Jars
Jars of whichever size you desire, filled with herbs, salts, oils, waters, eggshells, and sigils, all of which you have to layer one ingredient at a time, infusing your intent each layer until it's full. To seal it and keep your intent within the jar AND to keep other influences out, pour hot wax (include color magick if you can; black, blue, red, and white are all viable choices) on the lid and around the sides of the lid to air lock it.
Blessing items/things are a good way to fortify your charms, amulets, or talismans! Actually, it can fortify anything you use to draw in good things and while pushing out bad things. Blessings can even be done on your tools, but for the purpose of protections it's most handy for items carried with you throughout your days solely for protection.
Metaphysical Properties for Aid.
Crystals for Protection.
1. Black Tourmaline
Black tourmaline can turn negative energy into positive energy. It is very good for grounding. It is a powerful stone for protection against negative energy of all kinds including psychic protection and EMF protection. The energy of this stone is known to help you to release stress. It's energy may aid adrenal fatigue, as ongoing stress can both cause and worsen adrenal fatigue.It is also reputed to relieve the pain related to spinal or muscular problems. you are prone to obsessive behavior, this stone is also a powerful ally to help you to disconnect from these activities.
2. Black Obsidian
Obsidian is a volcanic glass. Black Obsidian is a stone of psychic protection and creates a shield around the aura. By keeping you powerfully grounded, and can boost your psychic.Grounding keeps us from negative energies by focusing that energy down into the earth where it can be absorbed and neutralized. Black Obsidian has been used to connect us with the spirit realm and used in scrying. It is commonly used when seeing guidance from spirit guides. Black Obsidian can help us awaken the Third Eye. Black Obsidian is also one of the most powerful stones for purging negative emotions and spiritual cleansing.
3. Amethyst (Stone of Spirituality, Meditation and Contentment).
Amethyst derives its name from the Greek word ametusthos which means ‘not intoxicated’. For centuries, Amethyst has been thought to be useful in the prevention of drunkenness and overindulgence, which is why ancient Greeks wore amethyst and carved out drinking vessels from it, Given it as “The Sobriety Stone”. Amethyst Protects from Psychic Attacks. By wearing the protective Amethyst crystal, one gets protection from all types of suffering including spiritual assault and those that may be as a result of external sources such as people.
4. Fluorite (Stone of Discernment and Aptitude)
Fluorite cleanses and stabilises the aura. It absorbs and neutralises negative energy and stress. Fluorite has many health benefits and boosts the immune system. It encourages positivity and balances the energies.
5. Hematite (Stone for the Mind)
Hematite is great for grounding and protection. Carry Hematite when in need of balance. Hematite absorbs negative energy and promotes serenity. Hematite aids in the Ascension process. Those who are doing spiritual work can use it to ground themselves.
Metaphysical Properties for Aid.
Herbs for Protection.
Salts come in many shapes, sizes, and varieties. Some work better for better protections while others work better for cleansing. Table salt can be used for creating a circle or physical barrier, like lining around your outer walls of your home or workspace. Sea salt can be used to create a ward, himalayan is good for charging crystals. Black is good for Removing Hexes and Curses (See Cleansing).
2. Sage
The genus name Salvia is related to the Latin word salvere, meaning to heal, preserve or redeem. Sage was associated in European traditions with wisdom, long life, and even immortality. An Italian proverb states, “Why should a man die when he has Sage in his garden?”. It builds emotional strength and may help to heal grief, protection and the granting of wishes. Sage’s energy brings prosperity and guards over the home. Sage is recognized as safe to use as a cooking ingredient. However, Sage contains the chemical compound thujone, which affects the nervous system. Ritual or medicinal use of Sage may intensify the sedative effects of some medications. Avoid during pregnancy.Excessive or extended consumption of the essential oil or leaves can be toxic. Do not take Sage oil internally, and limit consumption of Sage tea to a reasonable quantity. There are many Kinds, with their own uses. Make sure to research them.
3. Garlic
Garlic has been believed to protect against wreckage and drowning, leading sailors to take cloves on deck. Garlic was historically placed in the home to keep out all forms of evil, and in particular it was hung above the doorway to ward off the evil eye. Wearing garlic was believed to protect against inclement weather, monsters and enemy attack. Biting into garlic could repel evil spirits, and it was frequently placed beneath children’s pillows to protect them in their sleep. Brides carried cloves of garlic in their pockets to bring them luck and keep ill fortune at bay.
4. Rosemary
Rosemary is great for Cleansing and protecting, rejuvenating the mind, cleansed the aura, purifies your space for rituals, helps mental function and memory, promotes youth and longevity. Plant it by your front door for protection. Some varieties of rosemary grow well in almost every region of the continental of the US.
5. Bayleaf
Bay is used for its properties of purification and protection. It is used in dispelling negative entities and energies, spell breaking, and protection against negative magic. When placed in the corners of a home it will protect all who dwell there, Burn bay leaves to exorcise harmful energies. Do not ingest the leaf whole; it does not break down in the body, and may remain whole and become lodged in your digestive tract.