Lesson Material: What to Protect From

Identifying the Form of Attack

The Question.

The first thing about protection is to determine: “Who or What am i defending myself against” It could be numerous entities or energies, such as: offended spirits taking retribution for offending actions, being negatively affected by places of power, missteps or braking our word in our craft, and/ or attacks from other practitioners. Create a regular protection and banishing ritual schedule to insure that you are staying safe.

No one is safe from an attack no matter how long they've been practicing. This is why it is important to have protection.

Identification of the type of attack is important. Be sure that it is in fact an attack and not an entirely different situation. For example, being clumsy and stubbing your toe does not equal an attack, Having a headache or other forms of situations that can be logically explained. Please Make sure that if it is a medical issue, to seek a licensed Physician or MD.

Symptoms of attacks can fall under 3 categories:: external, mental and physical.

External Conditions.

Attacks of this nature affect the probabilities of events/luck that occur in a person's life, these are known as crossed conditions. These normally start with the feeling of being out of step with time and the sense of everything going wrong. if left alone, the situation can start escalating. everything happening with this condition can be rationalized and explainable together; however, if looked at as separate issues, there is no meaning. be sure that there is a long list of these "bad instances" before assuming you are dealing with this condition

Mental Condition.

The power of suggestion is not to be taken lightly. No one has to hex you or put effort intentionally for this to work. The power of suggestion creates a self fulfilling prophecy. If you think you are cursed then you will start having signs of a curse (this is one of the ways to give yourself the evil eye, accidently hex yourself). The most common symptoms of an actual hex or curse are despair, obsession, anxiety, and unidentifiable fear, troublesome dreams, inexplicable confusion, lack of focus. Underlying mental health issues do not fall under this but can become stronger and more frequent.

Physical Conditions.

Headaches are one of the most common forms of an attack. Most common headaches are the ones that make you feel like your scalp is stretched across your skull and that it's too small for your head. Fatigue falls after headaches. Being exhausted all the time and lack of motivation or energy can be a sign of a parasitic or vampiric attack

Omens can accompany an attack as well as the symptoms. One of the most common forms of omens are dreams. Our subconscious sees and hears all, so it would be no wonder that it would pick up on the attack.

This is why research is important and keeping protections in place against hexes, curses and unwanted entities is key to keeping yourself safe.

The Evil Eye

The Evil Eye can be projected towards someone without knowingly doing so. A person does not have to be involved with Witchcraft to direct the Evil Eye. This is when one hopes for unfortunate events onto you, or are thinking and hoping for negative or harmful energy done to you. People can do this unknowingly and cause others harm just by thinking these feelings towards them. 

Time Traps

Time traps are similar to the evil eye, however this is done with the attacker wishing for a specific event or visualizing the harmful situation onto another, manifesting it through intent and thought. 

Psychic Vampires

A psychic vampire is one who drains others of their energy, vitality, and emotion. Many Energy drains are not aware of what they are doing to others. These people can accidentally pull power and energy from others, leaving them exhausted. These vampires are usually plagued with deep issues such as, Mental, Physical, or emotional and depression issues. They are not in a good situation with themselves and others around them. They then can become dependent on others for energy and their existence which is a dangerous situation to be in. 

Larvae (in some traditions).

 Larvae are similar to the idea of Vampires. They are usually brought into existence by thought and created by humans intentionally or unintentionally. They can start with energy left and forgotten: Such as, spells or obsessions. Larvae are not conscious beings, they require energy to survive, attaching themselves to a person or place and draining the energy. They are not malevolent in nature, but are the equivalent of a parasite living off of a subject and are unhealthy for the situation.


Have a mindset of being a human person on earth. They haven't moved on, They still act on emotion and can have an agenda or be unpredictable.They have yet to cross over. They are unable to pass on due to something unfinished or are victims of great injustice or extreme violence. Some are fragments of themselves while others are left behind due to their situation and circumstance, operating at low frequencies.

Potential Cult Leaders.

With spirituality and New Age on the rise, some people become the focus of a magnitude of Psychic Energy from those who follow or look up to them. Some are unaware of their actions and role while others are completely aware of the circumstance. These people allow the power to overcome them and relish their opportunity and power. Working for their own personal gain and having no intention for good or selflessness. They are extreme Psychic and Energy Vampires. They work through manipulation and many other tactics, while veiling as something else, they can be very good at hiding their true self and intentions. Some are not bad, they act unknowingly of what they are doing and creating. 

  For info on how to find cult characteristics Check out this link. 

     -->    https://freedomofmind.com/bite-model/

Little Critters 

These creatures are common and are the equivalent of bugs or pests/ They are relatively harmless and are just looking for some mischief or play time. These Critters will come about for beginner witches or practitioners when they first cast out their energy and awaken their mind. They will go away once they have realized you are harmless or tired of you.

Malevolent spirit

These are spirits that have yet to rest, they are bound by anger and fear of dark emotions. Some may be forgotten energies conjured by Magicians and witches that were not banished or released, then taking on a persona. Some are thoughtforms that have been created throughout ages. These forgotten energies and conjurings can manifest in violent forms because they are unwillingly tied here and have yet to be released. They react violently because They have been around for a very long time and want attention. Some may be welcoming and loving but some may be around to protect their item or space and do not want to be disturbed. 

There are many other harmful energies and situations that can occur. Make sure to check in on your symptoms whenever you feel you may be an attack from something harmful or malevolent. Witches fairly new to the craft should only check to make sure they have not hexed themselves, the evil eye or bad energy directed from non-practitioners, and to watch out for other practitioners if they have shared about their craft to others. Practitioners will usually not come into contact with harmful spirits or spirits in general if they do not do divination or do not willingly invite spirits you will usually have no problem with them. 

The Witch's Shield: Protection Magick & Psychic Self-defense Book by Christopher Penczak


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