Lesson Material: Energies and Cleansing
Energies and Cleansing
Most believe that both the internal and external energies can be manipulated, moved, projected, directed, etc. Some believe energies can be moved when asked or commanded. Some believe simply in willed manipulation of all energy- the mind, body, spirit, and soul collectively (or separately) wills an energy type to move, and it does.
Energy is, unfortunately, hard to show with only words. All creatures have energy, all objects have energy; the ocean, the air, the earth, and fire all have energy. It is easy to describe where it can be found, but, describing the nature of energy is potentially beyond the scope of the human mind. Electricity is the form of energy we are most familiar with. Our energy is our life force.
Energy is all around us and can easily transfer and affect us through all our actions and emotions. It is the equivalent to the story and theory behind the Mood Effect among people.
If and when someone is in a bad mood and then comes into contact with someone who is happy and content, then, something the bad mooded person says or does to the other, can leave the happy and content person walking away from that person now in a bad mood as well. Psychologists call this phenomenon emotional contagion, a three-step process through which one person's feelings transfer to another person.
It can be the same with energy.
It is important after being around people with negativity to cleanse yourself or the area or objects they came into contact with, thinking of the energy like germs.
Cleansing your workspace/alter and items before performing a spell or any work to insure the intent and energy with your space and items are aligned with your new intention for your energy you are about to put out into the world.
Cleansing when feeling the effects of a hex, curse, or evil eye can rid you of these symptoms or attack.
Cleansing can be done in many ways and for many purposes. Be careful when cleansing too much, you can then remove both negative and positive energies, if this happens please make sure to put good energy back into place. You can do this by getting on some crystals, performing a spell with good intentions for something, or lighting incense for a specific purpose.
A wonderful way to cleanse your house is to start a day, opening up your windows and letting fresh air and sunlight in. Cleaning your house physically, vacuuming, dusting, doing your laundry and dishes. Doing a good deep clean is a good place to start. There are entities that enjoy and can be attracted to very unclean areas. After or while cleaning, burning Sage, Rosemary, Incense, or any form of smoke cleansing can be done, make sure the windows are open. You can also use an essential oil diffuser. If you don't have any of these you can perform energy sweeping with your home broom, turning it into a besom if you do not own a besom. Holding the broom a few inches from the ground, move in a counterclockwise, circular pattern. Counterclockwise “un-does” things and clears negative energy. When cleansing your whole house, start from the back door (Or front door, if you do not have a patio or back door) and Sweep each room, moving in a counter-clockwise fashion from room-to-room, then ending at the back door where you started, sweeping the energy out. You can do this whole home practice while physically sweeping your floor, while sweeping out the debris outside of the door.
Cleansing with salt is a good place to start, you can stick your items into a bowl of salt for cleansing, submerging it completely into a bowl. You can sprinkle salt in your work space and as well as pouring or spreading even just a small amount of salt throughout your house. Grabbing a small bit and throwing it throughout your rooms can be beneficial.
Another form of cleansing can be done with Sound, going throughout your home banging pots and pans, screaming, or singing loudly can be just as effective.
Lustral and Cleansing baths are great for removing negative energy or hexes from ourselves. There are many ingredients that can be put into a bath, whatever works best for you is the way to go. Keep in mind to make sure the ingredients used correspond with cleansing.
Start the process by physically cleaning your body first in the shower, make sure to soap and clean yourself first then make sure to clean the tub with actual cleaning products first, to make sure your bath is clean from any bacteria that can be an issue.
Run the bath with warm water to what is best comfortable for you. While the water is filling you can light white candles around your area, light some incense or an oil diffuser. Making sure that the smoke or vapor covers your bath area. After the water is filled here are some ingredients you can include into the bath (You can put the ingredients into a container, like a teabag, or let the ingredients free float, however keep in mind the health of your piping and draining.)
Epsom salts, Rosemary, Dried peppermint, Dried spearmint, Lemon oil, Ground black pepper (banishes negative energy), Jasmine buds, Sacred lotus (enhances psychic enlightenment), Sage, Organic bladderwrack, Calendula, Clear Quartz, Citrine, Obsidian, and many other ingredients.Cleanse yourself in the water while manifesting your intent to cleanse and renew yourself, mind, body and spirit.