Lesson Material: Protection Spells and Rituals

Protection Spells

Make an Onion Braid

This is a simple protection charm to hang in your home to protect those who live there. To do this, you'll need a bunch of onions with the green tops still attached, and about four feet of heavy twine. 

Begin folding the twine in half, and tying a knot near the end, creating a loop.

Lay the twine on a flat surface and place an onion upside down so that the greens of the onion form a third "string", along with the two free ends of the twine.

Using the two free lengths of twine and the onion stem, form a tight braid. 

Repeat this until the onion is securely in place. 

Repeat the process with the rest of your onions, braiding them in and out between the other stems and the two strands of twine. 

While doing this braid, focus your intent for protection and feel free to add whatever you like to add more protection. You can also do an incantation during the process.

Some sample incantations might be:

For protection of a home:

“Onions wrapped around a braid,

This charm for my home I have made,

Keep negative energy away from me,

As I will, so it shall be.”

For protection of a person:

“Layers and layers of onion skin,

Layers of safety for those within,

Layers to make all harm stay out,

Keep (name) safe, without a doubt.”


Phoenix Protection Spell


A bundle of Feathers, (Either all white or a variety of colors)

1 pot

1 long slender candle

Put the feathers in the pot, light the candle and use it to burn the feathers. When they have become ash, place your hands over the pot and say,

 “Oh mighty firebird come bless this ash. Come through the planes, through beast gates smash, protect this place and all within. Let us hear the fire bird sing.” 

When you are through, smudge the ash on doorways and windows.


Wolf Protection Spell

Summon the spirit of the ferocious wolf and call on it for protection against evil forces or people.


Artistic rendering of a wolf or wolves – can be a photograph or a painting

2 green candles

1 white candle

Protection Oil

Holy Water

A lunar drink such as ale or wine (does not have to be alcoholic)

Cakes (crackers or cookies will do)


Arrange these to your satisfaction under a full moon and chant:


“Candles three, green and white, 

bring protection here tonight. 

The moon is full, the sky is clear, 

misfortune and evil disappear. 

The mighty wolf will ever reign and bring protection from harm and bane. 

Come hither! Come Hither!”

The Morrigan’s Shield Spell

Requires visualization


Patchouli Incense

Crow or black feather

1 red candle

1 clear quartz crystal

Light the incense, using the feather to smudge your body beginning at the crown of your head and moving towards your feet. Light the candle, Saying:

“I light the flame of the Morrigan,

Raven Mother, Phantom Queen

Mistress who rules over Life, Death, and Rebirth

Know you are honored here. 

Hail and welcome!”

Hold the crystal in your hands and take a few moments to feel Morrigan's presence. Visualize the Morrigan standing in front of you, she tells you to craft a shield. Take a few moments to visualize the shield in front of you. WWhat does it look like, what is it made of, what does it feel like? Hold the image of the shield in your mind and see the crystal mounted somewhere on your shield. When you are ready, you present the shield to the Morrigan. She holds it high over your head and says, “Here is the shield of the Morrigan and behold that which i put into place is unmovable.” As she speaks you feel her strength and flow through the shield until it shines with a brilliant golden light. Place the crystal on each of your chakras and visualize a shield of brilliant golden light surrounding you. 


“Behold the shield of the Morrigan,

Unbreakable and Impenetrable,

The shield of the Morrigan protects me from all harm,

I am safe and protected,

So be it!”

Leave the crystal on the altar overnight. Carry it with you when you feel the need for protection strength.

Earth Mother Protection Spell

This spell can be used to protect a child, or other family members, especially if they are traveling or going on a trip. 


1 Piece of paper

1 brown candle

Write the person’s name on a piece of paper and draw an arc over the name, representing the mantle of Morrigan's protection. On the brown candle carve the person’s name and “Safe travels” “Protection” or whatever is appropriate for the situation. Place the candle on top of the paper. VIsualize an impenetrable bubble clear crystalline energy surrounding the person in question, protecting them from all harm.

Light the candle, 


“Morrigan, Goddess of the land,

Protectress of your children,

Guide and guard (Person’s name)

Protection then from all harm

Lady of the shield and plow

Upon (Peron’s name) Place your protection and blessings”

Badb’s Protection Powder

This powder can be used in protection spells and a pinch can be sprinkled in the corners of a room to purify the area and for protection.

2 Tbsp. Frankincense

1 Tbsp, Sea Salt

1 ½ Tsp, Dragon’s Blood Resin

1 Tbsp, Angelica

½ Tbsp, Solomon’s Seal

½ Tbsp, Juniper Berries

1 Tbsp, Lavender

Mix all ingredients in a bowl while chanting Badb’s name. If you are asking for protection for a particular person, visualize Badb’s black wings enfolding that person in a protective embrace. 

Protection Jar


* 1 tablespoon nettle

* 1 tablespoon mint

* 1 tablespoon mullein

* 1 tablespoon oregano

* 1 small Mason jar (1 or 2-cup size)

* Soy (vegetable) oil

Each of the ingredients is attuned to protection. Combine the herbs and put them in the jar, then pour in enough oil to fill it to the top. Before sealing the jar, empower it by holding your hands over it, sending protection energy into the jar. Put the lid on tightly and place the jar where you will see it often. Whenever you feel in need of some extra protection, lightly shake the jar like a snow globe to “excite” the magic.

Protection Oil

Brew up some Protection Oil, and anoint yourself with it. This will keep you safe from psychic or magical attacks. This magical blend that includes lavender and mugwort can be used around your home and property, your car, or on people whom you wish to protect.

To make Protection Oil, use 1/8 Cup base oil of your choice. Add the following:

  1. 4 drops Patchouli
  2. 3 drops Lavender 
  3. 1 drop Mugwort
  4. 1 drop Hyssop

As you blend the oils, visualize your intent, and take in the aroma. Know that this oil is sacred and magical. Label, date, and store in a cool, dark place.

Protection Crystals

Use crystals or stones with magical properties, such as Hematite to create a barrier around your home. Put a piece of Hematite at each outside corner of the house. Other protective stones you can use include amber, carnelian, and onyx.

Protective Herbs

Plant herbs with protective properties, such as violet, thistle, honeysuckle, or fennel around your home. When they bloom, harvest them and hang them up to dry. Use the dried herbs in protective sachets or incense.

More Protective Charms and Spells

Make a batch of Black Salt to sprinkle around your property for protection.

In western Scotland, it was once popular to make a small cross of rowan twigs and bind them together with red string. Hanging this in the window or over a door will keep negative influences from crossing the threshold.

If you're suffering from bad dreams, consider making an Herbal Dream Pillow to protect you in your sleep.Make a magical poppet to protect yourself or a loved one.




The Witch’s Shield.Christopher Penczak

celtic lore & spellcraft of the dark goddess: invoking the morrigan by stephanie woodfield

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